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포항공과대학교 생명과학과





이민식 조교수


암 미세환경 대사 연구실
암, 대사, 암 미세환경

Research introduction

How cancer cells alter their metabolism and shape their distinctive metabolic milieu?, how cancer cells and other types of cell harness nutrients in their local environments (or Tumor MicroEnvironements, TMEs) for their benefits?, how systemic metabolism of the host affects TMEs and in turn influences the metabolism of cancer cells are major areas of focus in our lab.

The Lee lab conducts research that contributes to the treatment of cancer by understanding the altered metabolic behaviors of cancer cells and identifying vital metabolic mechanisms for cancer growth and survival.
The understanding of tumor metabolism has gained significant attention and has become the hallmark of cancer in recent decades. However, previous metabolic studies focused on cancer cells have had limitations due to the insufficient consideration of the tumor’s growing environment.

1. Our research team aims to analyze and elucidate the metabolic characteristics of the tumor microenvironment (TME) using cutting-edge technologies and ideas.
2. We observe how various types of cancer adapt to their unique metabolic environments through multi-omics approach and
3. further investigate key metabolic mechanisms required for tumor growth and survival in the context of in vivo using state-of-the-art genetically engineered mouse and surgical mouse models, and fresh tissue samples from cancer patients. Our research encompasses the development of therapies, starting from fundamental research to assess whether these key metabolic mechanisms can be utilized as treatment targets. The Lee lab eagerly awaits the support of motivated and curious students and researchers to work together in overcoming the unsolved challenges in the development of cancer treatments targeting metabolism.

학부생을 위한 실험실 소개

연구 내용
저희 연구실에서는 ‘암은 무엇을 먹고, 어떻게 사용하며 성장하는가?’에 관심이 있습니다. 사람이 생존을 위해 음식을 먹어야 하듯, 암이 성장 및 생존을 위해 반드시 사용해야하는 영양소와 대사 방식을 이해하고자 합니다. 이를 위해 암이 자라는 미세환경 (Tumor MicroEnvironment)의 대사 조성을 파악하고, 미세환경에서 일어나는 암세포와 다양한 세포 종들의 대사적 경쟁 및 협력 방식을 연구합니다. 궁극적으로는 암 성장 및 생존에 필수적인 대사 기능을 조절해 암세포를 굶겨 죽이는 새로운 개념의 항암 치료 개발을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

연구 분야
ㆍ다양한 암 종 및 환자 개인별 암 미세환경의 대사 조성 연구
ㆍ미세환경에 적응하기 위한 암세포 및 주변 정상세포의 대사적 경쟁 및 협력 연구
ㆍ식이, 약물, 세포치료제 등 다양한 경로를 통한 암 대사 기능 억제 기술 개발
ㆍ개체 수준의 조직 대사 (systemic metabolism), 대사질환 (metabolic disorder)이 암 및 암 미세환경에 미치는 영향 연구
ㆍ전이암이 다른 조직의 새로운 대사환경에 적응하기 위해 획득해야 하는 대사 기전 연구 및 치료개발

연구 모델 및 기술
이와 같은 학계의 중요한 질문 해결과 암 치료제 발굴을 위해 1) 암 환자의 조직과 2) 유전자 조작 및 수술 이식된 암 마우스 모델에서 학계의 최신 아이디어를 이용한 1) 미세환경 분석, 2) 대사체 표지분석 (Metabolic Tracing), 3) Multi-omics (epigenetic, transcriptomic, metabolomics) 등의 연구를 진행하고자 합니다. 이를 통해 암 대사기반 항암제 및 면역세포치료 기법을 도출하여 암 극복에 기여하고자 합니다.

Research Area

    Cancer Metabolism and Tumor MicroEnvironment
  • Deciphering metabolic composition in Tumor MicroEnvironment (TME)
  • Cancer metabolism and behavior
  • Metabolic competition/cooperation between Cancer cells and Other cell types
  • Systemic metabolism and Cancer behavior
  • Metabolic Tracing in Cell, Live animal, and Patient tissue

Major publications

  • M-S Lee, et al., (2023) Ornithine aminotransferase supports polyamine synthesis in pancreatic cancer. Nature 616(7956), 339-347
  • P-Y Tsai and M-S Lee, et al., (2021) Adaptation of pancreatic cancer cells to nutrient deprivation is reversible and requires glutamine synthetase stabilization by mTORC1. PNAS 118(10), e2003014118
  • M-S Lee and H-J Han, et al., (2018) Loss of the E3 ubiquitin ligase MKRN1 represses diet-induced metabolic syndrome through AMPK activation. Nature Communications 9(1), 3404
  • H Xu and M-S Lee, et al., (2018) Ablation of insulin receptor substrates 1 and 2 suppresses Kras-driven lung tumorigenesis. PNAS 115 (16) 4228-4233
  • M-S Lee, et al., (2015) PI3K/AKT activation induces PTEN ubiquitination and destabilization accelerating tumorigenesis. Nature Communications 6:7769
  • M-S Lee, et al., (2013) Stabilization of p21 (Cip1/WAF1) following Tip60-dependent acetylation is required for p21-mediated DNA damage response. Cell death and differentiation 20, 620–629


  • B.S., Sungkyunkwan University. Korea (2009)
  • M.S., Sungkyunkwan University. Korea (2011)
  • Ph.D., Yonsei University. Korea (2016)


  • 2016-2017 : Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Biochemistry, Yonsei University, Korea
  • 2017-2023 : Postdoctoral Fellow, Div. of Endocrinology, Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School, USA
  • 2023-Present : Assistant Professor, Dept. of Life Sciences, POSTECH, Korea

Research Image

Min Sik Lee_Research image

Min Sik Lee_Research image
