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포항공과대학교 생명과학과





김종신 조교수


신경면역학 및 뇌신경장벽 연구실
신경면역학, 혈관생물학

Research introduction

We aim to define the cellular and molecular mechanisms of immune regulation and neuro‐immuno‐vascular interactions in the CNS and its barriers during homeostasis and pathologies, and to translate the findings to find new therapies for CNS autoimmunity, inflammation, and infections.

1. CNS immune tolerance and privilege
‐ Decode the mechanisms governing CNS (brain and retina) immune tolerance and privilege in the thymus, lymphoid organs, and the CNS

2. CNS autoimmunity, inflammation, and infections
‐ Unravel the roles of microglia, border‐associated macrophages, dendritic cells, T cells, and endothelial cells and their interactions in CNS autoimmunity (multiple sclerosis, uveitis), inflammation (Alzheimer’s disease), and infections (meningitis, encephalitis, and retinitis)

3. CNS barriers and fluids
‐ Characterize the immunological niches in CNS barriers (meninges, choroidal plexus, RPE/choroid, ciliary body, BBB/BRB) and fluids (CSF, aqueous humor) and identify their roles in immune homeostasis and inflammation in the CNS

학부생을 위한 실험실 소개

본 연구실은 중추신경계 및 주변 장벽 내 고유의 면역 시스템과 신경-면역-혈관 상호작용을 세포 및 분자 수준에서 이해하고 이를 바탕으로 다발성경화증, 포도막염 같은 자가면역성 신경질환과 치매 등 퇴행성 신경질환의 병리 기전과 치료 타겟을 발굴하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Research Area

  • Neuroimmunology
  • Vascular biology
  • Tolerance and Autoimmunity
  • Neuro-Immune interactions
  • Ophthalmology

Major publications

  • Cook ME*, .. , Kim J, et al. (2022) The ZFP36 family of RNA binding proteins regulates homeostatic and autoreactive T cell responses. Sci Immunol. 7(76):eabo0981.
  • Kim J*, Park KH. (2021) TEMPORAL CHANGES OF PARAFOVEAL MICROVASCULATURE AFTER EPIRETINAL MEMBRANE SURGERY: An Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Study. Retina. 41(9);1839-1850.
  • Kim J*, Kim YH*, et al. (2017) YAP/TAZ regulates sprouting angiogenesis and vascular barrier maturation. J Clin Invest. 127(9):3441-3461.
  • Kim MH*, Kim J, et al. (2016) Actin remodeling confers BRAF inhibitor resistance to melanoma cells through YAP/TAZ activation. EMBO J. 35(5):462-78.
  • Kim J*, et al. (2015) Actin remodelling factors control ciliogenesis by regulating YAP/TAZ activity and vesicle trafficking. Nat Commun. 6:6781.


  • M.D., Seoul National University (2006)
  • Ph.D., KAIST (2015)


  • 2006-2007 : Intern, Seoul National University Hospital
  • 2007-2011 : Resident, Department of Ophthalmology, Seoul National University Hospital
  • 2015-2017 : Research Fellow, Center for Vascular Biology, Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
  • 2017-2019 : Clinical Fellow, Vitreoretinal Surgery, Department of Ophthalmology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
  • 2019-2022 : Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
  • 2022-Present : Assistant Professor, Department of Life Sciences (JA), Medical Science and Engineering Program (JA), Department of IT Engineering, POSTECH

Major Awards/Honors

  • Global Ph.D. Fellowship (2011)
  • ARVO International Travel Grant (2014)
  • BRIC Top 5 Research in Medical Science (2017)
  • VitreoRetinal Surgery Foundation (VRSF) Research Fellowship (2019)

Research Image

Jongshin Kim_ Research image

Jongshin Kim_ Research image
