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POSTECH Life Science



Jong Min Kim


Jong Min Kim Associate Professor

Molecular Medicine

Lab. of Synthetic Biology and Molecular Computing
ㆍDetail research field
Synthetic Biology

Research introduction

Synthetic biology aims to provide a principled approach towards building biological entities with complex and novel functionality using modular and programmable parts. Precise and programmable control of gene expression is becoming a basic requirement for many biological and biotechnological research applications. To date, synthetic biology approaches yielded novel and sophisticated gene circuitry including molecular counters, synchronized oscillators, logic gates, memory devices, and analog signal processors. Due to its simple base-pairing rules and well-characterized thermodynamic parameters, RNA molecules can form the basis of de-novo-designed synthetic regulators of gene expression. Recent advances in RNA nanotechnology, to which I have contributed with my postdoctoral work, will enable RNA components to sense and regulate gene expression with high sensitivity and fast dynamics and serve as a broadly enabling platform for many areas with biomedical applications. For instance, the ability to detect the dynamics of antibiotic resistance in bacterial populations and biofilms can serve as one of the first steps for developing anticipatory medical and cellular devices. Further, we expect that the technology developed for prokaryotic riboregulators can be adapted to eukaryotic systems in the future.

Research Area

  • Synthetic biological circuits
  • Smart probiotics
  • Nucleic acid engineering
  • Molecular computation

Major publications

  • Kim J, Simmel FC, (2022) Scaling up genelet circuits. Nature Chemistry 14, 1210-1211
  • Kim J, et al., (2019) De novo-designed translation-repressing riboregulators for multi-input cellular logic. Nature Chemical Biology 15, 1173-1182
  • Green AA*, Kim J*, et al., (2017) Complex cellular logic computation using ribocomputing devices. Nature 548, 117-121
  • Kim J, et al., (2014) Synthetic circuit for exact adaptation and fold-change detection. Nucleic Acids Research 42, 6078-6089
  • Weitz M, Kim J, et al., (2014) Diversity in the dynamical behaviour of a compartmentalized programmable biochemical oscillator. Nature Chemistry 6, 295-302
  • Kim J, et al., (2011) Synthetic in vitro transcriptional oscillators. Molecular Systems Biology 7, 465
  • Kwon JH*, Kim J*, et al., (2010) Overexpression of high-mobility group box 2 is associated with tumor aggressiveness and prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Clinical Cancer Research 16, 5511-5521
  • Kim J, et al., (2010) Epithelial-mesenchymal transition gene signature to predict clinical outcome of hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Science 101, 1521-1528
  • Kim J, et al., (2006) Construction of an in vitro bistable circuit from synthetic transcriptional switches. Molecular Systems Biology 2, 68


  • B.S., POSTECH, Korea (2000)
  • Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, USA (2007)


  • 2007-2010: Senior Researcher, CbsBioscience Inc.
  • 2010-2014: Postdoctoral Scholar, California Institute of Technology
  • 2014-2018: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Wyss Institute, Harvard University
  • 2018: Senior Scientist, NuProbe USA Inc.
  • 2018-Present: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Life Sciences, POSTECH

Research Image

Jongmin Kim_Research image

Jongmin Kim_Research image
