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POSTECH Life Science



ll Doo Hwang


ll Doo Hwang Professor

Plant Sciences

Lab. of Developmental Signaling Network
ㆍDetail research field
Developmental Signaling Network

Research introduction

Our research delves into the intricate communication systems governing the form and function of plants, emphasizing efficient interactions among cells, tissues, organs, and responses to environmental stimuli. We focus on unraveling the signaling networks of key phytohormones such as cytokinin, auxin, brassinosteroid, abscisic acid, and salicylic acid, utilizing our proprietary 'interactome' database and molecular networks. Our investigations extend to understanding epigenetic regulations involved in induced resistance against pathogen attacks, particularly priming at the genome level. Recently, our research scope has expanded to address fundamental questions about how plants regulate cambial activities, vasculature development, and biomass production. Employing 'systems biology' approaches and interdisciplinary research, we aim to provide a comprehensive tool for deciphering these complex interactions, crucial for gaining insights into the essence of plant life.

Major publications

  • Dang et al., (2023) The LBD11-ROS feedback regulatory loop modulates vascular cambium proliferation and secondary growth in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant 16:1131-1145
  • Lee et al., (2023) DDM1-mediated gene body DNA methylation is associated with inducible activation of defense-related genes in Arabidopsis. Genome Biology 24:106
  • Nam et al., (2023) CPR5-mediated nucleo-cytoplasmic localization of IAA12 and IAA19 controls lateral root development during abiotic stress. PNAS 120:1-11
  • Nam et al., (2022) JULGI-mediated increment in phloem transport capacity relates to fruit yield in tomato. Plant Biotechnology Journal 20:1533-1545
  • Park et al., (2021) CYTOKININ-RESPONSIVE GROWTH REGULATOR regulates cell expansion and cytokinin-mediated cell cycle progression. Plant Physiology 186:1734-1746
  • Lim et al., (2019) Plant Journal 101:473-483
  • Cho, Cho, Hwang, (2019) Emerging roles of RNA-binding proteins in plant development. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 51:51-57
  • Cho et al., (2018) Translational control of phloem development by RNA G-quadruplex–JULGI determines plant sink strength. Nature Plants 4:376-390
  • Han et al., (2018) BIL1-mediated MP phosphorylation integrates PXY and cytokinin signalling in secondary growth. Nature Plants 4:605-614
  • Dominique et al., (2017) Cytokinin-Mediated Regulation of Reactive Oxygen Species Homeostasis Modulates Stomatal Immunity in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 29:543-559
  • Cho et al., (2017) Emergence of plant vascular system: roles of hormonal and non-hormonal regulatory networks. Current Opinion Plant Biology 35:91-97
  • Ryu et al., (2014) Control of early seedling development by BES1/TPL/HDA19-mediated epigenetic regulation of ABI3. Nature Communications 5, 4138
  • Cho and Ryu et al., (2014) A secreted peptide acts on BIN2-mediated phosphorylation of ARFs to potentiate auxin response during lateral root development. Nature Cell Biology 16:66-76
  • Choi et al., (2014) iNID: An Analytical Framework for Identifying Network Models for Interplays among Developmental Signaling in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant 7:792-813
  • Kim and Cho et al., (2013) BLH1 and KNAT3 modulate ABA responses during germination and early seedling development in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 75:755-766
  • Choi et al., (2013) BAT1, a Putative Acyltransferase, Modulates Brassinosteroid Levels in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 73:380-391
  • Hwang, Sheen, Muller, (2012) Cytokinin Signaling Networks. Ann. Rev. Plant Biol. 63:353-380


  • B.S., Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (1989)
  • M.S., Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (1991)
  • Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park, USA (1999)


  • 1999-2002: Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • 2002-Present: Faculty, Pohang University of Science and Technology
  • 2019-2022: Seok-Cheon Chair Professor, Pohang University of Science and Technology
  • 2023-Present: Seok-Cheon Honor Professor, Pohang University of Science and Technology


  • Elucidate developmental signaling cross-talks in plants
  • Understand the role of plant hormones in defense against pathogens
  • Understand molecular mechanisms of RNA structure-mediated phloem differentiation

Major Awards/Honors

  • 2012, Minister's award, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
  • 2012, Selected as Top 100 national R&D performances, KISTEP
  • 2013, Macrogen Scientist Award, KSMCB
  • 2014, Best Research Award, KSPB
  • 2014, Postechian Award (Research), POSTECH
  • 2019, Rose Lecture Award, KSMCB
  • 2021, Cargill Life Science Award, KAST
  • 2021, Life Science Award, KSMCB
  • 2023, Academy Award, the National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea
  • 2023, Selected as Top 100 national R&D performances, KISTEP

Research Image

ll Doo Hwang_Research image

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