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POSTECH Life Science



Academic Affairs

Academic Affairs

Dissertation guideline

Dissertation for evaluation


  • a.The thesis must be written in English, and there is no page limit.
  • b.The thesis must be written using a word processor.
  • c.The paper size must be 182mmx257mm(the so-called 4X6 size).
  • d.The abstract (Exhibit 5) must not exceed 1,000 words in English.
    The Korean summary must be about 2,000 characters in length including spaces.
  • e.Submit three defense copies to the thesis committee for master's degrees and five copies for doctoral degrees.

2.Submission deadline : 15 days prior to dissertation examination

Dissertation for submission

Once the thesis/dissertation committee approves the submitted thesis/dissertation, the degree candidate must print and bind the completed thesis according to the format guide provided below. The candidate must submit one hard copy of the completed thesis to his/her department office and four hard copies and one electronic copy to the Tae-Joon Park Digital Library. The standard format is required.


  • a.Place a front cover in English as shown in Exhibit 1. The name of the presenter must be written in English and in Korean, with the latter given in parentheses. Foreign students should write their names in English and in their own language, with the latter given in parentheses. The thesis (including the cover) must be hardbound in black.
  • b.Place a title page written in both Korean and English after the front cover (see Exhibit 2).
  • c.Use standard 4x6 (182mm x 257mm) white paper with margins of 20mm at the top (header: 15mm), 15mm at the bottom (footer: 15mm), and 30mm at the left and right edges of the page.
  • d.Fonts
    • -Korean: Myengjo, New Myengjo, Batang or Gulim
    • -English: Arial or Times New Roman
    • -All letters must be printed in black. (Reference materials or data may be in color.)
  • e.Page numbers should be centered at the bottom of each page. All pages that precede the actual text should be numbered in Roman numerals, and pages for actual text in Arabic numerals with hyphens (-) on both sides.
  • f.Actual text
    • -Use a font size of 11 pt with a line spacing of at least 17 pt, a font width at 100%, and normal character spacing.
    • -Footnotes: 9-10 pt
  • g.To preserve the original colors, pictures must be printed with the offset printing method.
  • h.Be sure to include in the bound copy the Thesis Approval Certificatewhich has the signatures of the thesis/dissertation committee members (Exhibit 4).
  • i.Follow common practices when formatting the other parts of the thesis. However, be sure to refer to the thesis example pages (Exhibits 1-13) to meet
  • j.Transfer of copyright must be stated at the end of the thesis. (Example statement: “I hereby grant Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) the right to make use of my thesis for scholarly and educational purposes.”)

2.Submission period

Submission period - Prospective graduates in February, Prospective graduates in August table.
Prospective graduates in February Prospective graduates in August
January 6 of the current year July 6 of the current year

3.Degree withhold

Students who fail to turn in the completed thesis by the due dates (as specified in 1-F above) will automatically be considered as candidates for the following semester even if they have passed a thesis defense.


The thesis titles used in the Report on Final Thesis Defense and the depository copy must be identical.

Request for Evaluation of Doctoral dissertation

  • 1)The defense copies of the dissertation must be submitted to all members of the dissertation committee no later than 15 days prior to the defense date.
  • 2)The candidate must complete and print out the Approval Request for Doctoral Dissertation Defense form on POVIS and have it confirmed by his/her academic advisor. (Make sure to enter on POVIS the name of the journal in which the doctoral research has been/will be published and attach the evidence.) The candidate must have the form approved by the Department Head and submit it to the Dean of Graduate School.
    • -Required documents for submission: Approval Request for Doctoral Dissertation Defense

Outline for dissertation writing

A thesis must keep the following order:

  • a.Front cover: Refer to Exhibit 1
  • b.Title page: Refer to Exhibit 2
  • c.Approval for Submission of Thesis: Refer to Exhibit 3
  • d.Thesis Approval Certificate (with approval signatures): Refer to Exhibit 4
  • e.Abstract: Refer to Exhibits 5-6
  • f.Blank page
  • g.Table of Contents: Refer to Exhibit 7
  • h.Main body: Refer to Exhibit 8
    • -Introduction
    • -List of Abbreviations/Terms
    • -Theoretical & Mathematical Development
    • -Experimental Method & Materials
    • -Results
    • -Discussion
    • -Conclusions
  • i.Summary in Korean: For theses written in a language other than Korean; Refer to Exhibit 9
  • j.References: Refer to Exhibit 10
  • k.Acknowledgements: Refer to Exhibit 11
  • l.Curriculum Vitae: Refer to Exhibit 12
  • m.Blank page
  • n.Back cover

※ Note: The content of the main body(from Introduction to Conclusions) may vary, but the rest of the layout cannot be changed.

Guideline for Dissertation file

An electronic copy of the thesis must be prepared in the following manner:

  • a.Accepted file formats Accepted document formats are HWP, DOC, PPT, and XLS. For TXT, Latex is recommended, which must be converted to PDF format.
  • b.Other types of files must be converted to PDF format before being uploaded.
  • c.Composition of the thesis file
    • -The content of the electronic file must be identical to the printed thesis.
    • -If possible, upload the entire copy as a single file including the front cover, the abstract, pictures, and figures.
  • d.Check for virus infection before uploading.
  • e.Do not compress the file when saving.

On-line registration of dissertation

The procedure for online registration of the electronic copy is as follows.

  • a.Login: Log in to the “Submit Thus” webpage (POSTECH Library homepage → Library Services →Submit Thesis). The login ID is the student ID number and the password is the student’s 6-digit birthday (yy/mm/dd). After log in, click on the tab “Submit thesis.”
  • b.Select Collection: Select the appropriate collection (sorted by the year), read relevant notices and the submission method, and click on the “Submit Thesis” button.
  • c.User Information: Verify the personal information, and update it if necessary.
  • d.Meta Information: Enter bibliographical information about the thesis, including the abstract and the table of contents.
  • e.License Agreement: Students are required to mark their choice as to whether they agree to the License Agreement. If agreed, the thesis will be converted into PDF format and will be available for public access. If a student does not agree to the license agreement, he/she must enter the reason.
  • f.File uploading: Files in HWP, DOC, XLS, PPT, and PDF formats can be uploaded. If a file is too big to be uploaded (over 100 MB), save the file in a portable memory device (ex. CD) and submit it offline
  • g.Final submission: Review the submission summary and change information if necessary. When all information is correct, click on the “Final Submission” button.
  • h.Review submission: You can review the details about the submitted thesis, including the approval status.
  • i.Personal notice: If there was a problem in the thesis submission process, a return notice will be sent out by the administrator. If the submitted thesis has been approved by the administrator, an approval notice will be sent out by the administrator. The “License Agreement” can be printed out from the approval notice screen.

English nomenclature of the Department

English nomenclature of the Department - Department of ~(~ program) table.
Department of ~(~ program)  
Department of Life Sciences  












