Research Fields
The major function of our brain is to controls most of our behaviors and to processes various information coming from the sensory organs. We study the function of our brain at the molecular, cellular and neural circuitry level to better understand how it works. Our research focuses are brain circuitry of memory function, synaptic plasticity, neurogenetics in the basic research field. And in the application field, development of models and treatment strategies of neuropsychiatric disorders and brain imaging. The major research areas of Neuroscience unit are as follows.
Neural Circuits and Behavior
To investigate the molecular, cellular mechanisms and neural circuitry of memory involved in fear and addiction by behavioral studies of animal models and electrophysiological techniques in neurons.
Neurodevelopmental and Psychiatric Disorders
To investigate the molecular mechanisms of neurological and psychiatric disorders caused by functional abnormalities in the brain development using stem cell and animal disease models.
Neurogenetics and Neurogenomics
To investigate the molecular mechanisms of structural and functional changes in individual synapses which ultimately lead to activity-dependent gene expression and cell-wide adaptation mechanism that permit synaptic and behavioral plasticity to be long-lasting.
Joung Hun Kim Professor
Lab. of Molecular Neuroscience
Molecular and cellular Neurobiology
Jongshin Kim Assistant Professor
Lab. of Neuroimmunology and CNS Barriers
Neuroimmunology, Vascular biology
Tae Kyung Kim Professor
Lab. of Neuroepigenetics
Epigenomics of brain disorders, Functional dissection and precise manipulation of neural circuits
Sang Ki Park Professor
Lab. of Molecular Neuropsychiatry (MNPSY)
Molecular Psychiatry
Seung Tae Baek Associate Professor
Lab. of Neurogenetics
Neurodevelopmental disorder