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POSTECH Life Science


Research Fields


Immunology is an academic field that reveals the etiology of various immune diseases such as infections, tumors, autoimmune disorders, and allergies and seeks treatments based on basic research that identifies the development and function of various immune cells present in vivo. For these studies, we are equipped with the world's best germ-free and antigen-free mouse facilities and a state-of-the-art level of flow cytometry and imaging equipment. We are developing bacteria-derived polysaccharides, monoclonal antibodies, aptamers and extracellular vesicles for the treatment and control of various immune diseases.
The main research areas in this field are as follows.

  • Immunology image
  • Immunology image
  • Immunology image
  • Pathogen & Biodefense

    We investigate the replication processes of pathogenic viruses, develop diagnostic and therapeutic tools for them, and study the mechanisms of anti-viral innate and adaptive immunity of host cells.

  • Microbiome

    We investigate the interactions of various microorganisms present in the gut and identify their effects on the host immune system to discover microorganisms capable of treating cancer, autoimmunity and allergic diseases

  • Cancer Immunology

    We investigate the mechanism of anti-cancer immunotherapeutic agents that have recently shown breakthrough cancer treatment outcomes, and conduct basic and clinical studies to discover new targets and apply them to patient treatment.