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POSTECH Life Science


Research Fields

Structural Biology
Structural Biology

We are interested in the structure and function of proteins involved in all areas of biological sciences. Our research uses state-of-the-art technology in X-ray crystallography, electron microscopy and computational methods for understanding drug-targeted proteins. With the Cryo-EM facility and the 3rd/4th-generation synchrotron at PAL, we will provide the basic knowledge/information for developing new drugs with huge potential.

  • Structural Biolog image
  • Structural Biolog image
  • Structural Biolog image
  • Bioinformatics

    We provide the computing tools and information to solve problems and create hypotheses in all areas of biological sciences.

  • Genomic Stability and Cancer

    We focus on the DNA damage and repair that play a critical role in a genomic stability. Therefore, we provide a mechanism for cancer prevention or therapeutic attack.

  • Structure-based drug development

    We focus on the search, design, and optimization of an antibody and a small molecule that increase specific affinity for target protein.

  • Membrane Protein Science

    We provide molecular mechanism of membrane proteins that mediated transport of ion and molecules across lipid bilayer or detect molecules outside the cell and activate internal signal transduction pathway.